Levinson 3XX Amplifier Repairs

Thought i would post this as it is hard to find any solid information online about the Mark Levinson 33x capacitor repair problem.

I purchased a 332 here on audiogon about 6 months ago. A few weeks ago it developed a loud hum in the right channel. i contacted Levinson (or what is left of them) and was informed that there are only 2 authorized repair shops in the US. Pyramid Audio in Texas and The Service Bench in Mass.

I called the service bench first and was informed that they charged a FLAT LABOR RATE OF $900 + parts! This was a crazy number so i called Pyramid Audio. They said it was a $100 diagonstic fee that would be applied to parts and labor. this seemed reasonable so i shipped the amp to them ($150 shipping).

About 1 week later i received a call from Pyramid Audio stating that my reapir was going to be $1600!!! They also gave me the option of abandoning the amp or having it shipped back!

I feel that i am getting gouged here but really have no choice so i went ahead and got the amp repaired. i'll keep everyone posted on how the repairs ended up.
I completely agree with Roxy 54. I also recently with through this nonsense, and as noted there are only two “authorized” service centers that aside form very costly shipping will only lead to extremely inflated repair charges as well.

Fortunately in my case Madrigal treated its former employees just as badly as the service customers get treated today. I was able to get hold of the technical data I needed for my particular amplifier and obviously can now get the amplifier repaired at a reasonable fee by my local service tech.

I would never have purchased a Madrigal product had I know about this poor service and lack of support. I think I will be headed to Pass Labs next…..
i of course knew about the cap problems but took a chance assuming that if mine needed the repair it would be around $800-$1000...i would have never thought it could be so much. $1600 is getting really close to what it costs levinson to manufacure a complete amp

looking st the bill it was $625 for parts and $975 for labor. they did not provide an itemized list of the parts replaced, i will br requesting this monday...

i also want to mention that prior to repairs i called both places and spoke with a tech trying to get a feel for what it would costprior to shipping it in, both places techs were relativly rude and provided no useful info over the phone.

i purchased the amp and paid for the repair because i love the preformance of it, period. i just wish levinson could control the price of this necessary repair a little better.

sounds like Pass is the way i should have gone
Thanks for the info. I almost bought a 383 with "a hum in the right channel" a few weeks ago. Called Pyramid and they told me $1000 plus "it could be more." Frankly after reading this thread and others about the Levinson "cap problem," Levinson is permanently off my list.
That's the problem, huge flat rates for any Harman specialty group products. It's sad that a company like Levinson can't stand behind their products. For what it's worth The Service Bench in Norwood MA sucks, they gave me the run around on a CD repair keeping it for almost six weeks and charging me twice the "estimate". They probably would have said $1800 for your amp when all was said and done. Real Douchebags.
Sorry to hear that this is happening to you. This happened to my 333 twice within the 8 years I had it. I had purchased it as a dealer demo. But found out afterwards from Madrigal that the dealer had sent it in once already for that same repair. The second time it was covered under the warranty. But the third time, I had to shell out like $1400 to get it repaired. They did the same thing to my #37 transport at around the same time when all I needed was a recalibration (a push of several buttons according to a tech manual they had published internally), and they charged me $1600 to replace the entire transport mechanism and updated software.

Needless to say, when I got the amp back, I traded it in for a Pass X350.5 right away. The 333 did sound better afterwards, but I was not prepared to be spedning $1400 every 5 years to keep it running. For that matter, the Pass X350.5 was another league ahead of the 333 in terms of sound. And well, I will never purchase another product with Levinson badge or anything put out by Madrigal or Harmon International for that matter.

Not sure what the best advice would be. But if you get it fixed, trade it in for something else right away!!!! My 333 had a trade-in value of $2800 about 2 years ago, and that was generous. So I'm not sure it's even worth fixing the 332. Maybe just take the loss??

My sympathies,