What should I do?

I am seriously considering making a change I have a CJ LP70S amp and a Prima Luna 3 Pre amp.I am considering a CJ Premiere 17 LS2 pre amp. in place of the Prima Luna.Would I enhance my sooujd by doing so? I would be gaining the teflon caps which factory says is a real plus. Any ideas?
My God, 90? I thought I was an uber geezer at 79. I heard both the 17LS and 17LS2 in my system and there's almost no comparison-- the 17LS2 is superior in every way, well justifying the $1500 increase in MSRP. Hang in there, you've given me new hope :-)

If your source is CD you will be amazed how good the Raysonic 168 or 228 variable tube outs are. I replaced a $3K preamp and never looked back. Plus, one less shelf, power cord, interconnect... oh and they are awesome CD players to boot
On the other hand, my Raysonic 128 sounds like hell without an active preamp for it to feed. But yes, it's awesome.
Jack, I think that the 16LS is a better sounding preamp than the 17LS, but I don't know about the 17LS2. The 16LS had a lot of the ART technology in it's construction. I have read that the upgrades from the 17LS to the 17LS2 are like night and day and the LS2 is far superior. However, I wasn't insinuating that any of these preamps were unacceptable. They are all excellent and in all likelihood you will be very happy with the sonics of any of them. I hope that if I ever reach your age that I will still enjoy my music.
Thanks guys for youre help. Partially on the basis of your input I have purchased the 17 LS2. and am anxiously awaiting its' arrival. It comes from the Minneapolis area, and luckly my daughter who lives in Minneapolis is coming down Thurs... and will pick up the new baby and void the shipping cost.Up AT FIVE. hAD MY PRUNES AND READY FOR A NEW DAY. Have a good listen Jack North11788