Krell Power Consumption


I'm a bit new to ultra high end. I'm considering a Krell Evolution 402. One thing that jumps out at me is the power consumption in standby. The manual says it draws over 300 watts in stand by and recommends that you leave it on all the time. 300 watts 24/7. Good grief. Is this bogus or just the price you pay for a serious amplifier?

thanks for any advise.
hi can some one tell me between krell kav250 and marklevinson no27 with one is better thankyou
Dave_b, No comment, but isn't this a quote from your review of Evo 402/202?

"What these evolutionary components deliver is a complete musical picture with no exaggeration or flaws...just pure unhyped musical reproduction. Low level detail..yes! Resolution..yup! Frequency extension and wide dynamic bet! Tonal accuracy and micro dynamic shading..uh huh! Turn off the lights and set the volume for concert hall level images coalesce into a mosaic of musicians..natural and oh so believable."

I like the Krell Evo gear a great deal, but it's expensive.
New buyers enthusiasm? I did like alot about the Evo stuff but eventually heard the dryness set in and the slight lack of color which the previous designs delivered. It does take time to tell if your gonna like something for the long haul:O)
I subsequently went to ARC stuff and sold that as well. Decided to drop out of the super high end club for awhile after the recent dissapointments, although I must say that the so called cheapo integrated has been one of my most beloved components (400xi not the S300i). The integrated does for me what the Sophias deliver compared to the Wilson lineup...purity, tonal accuracy and balance:O) My cheapo system has actually been my most satisfying in recent years. Maybe Wilson Watt/puppy's coming out soon and I haven't tried Pass Labs or Ayre yet?