Could someone tell me the difference between a single-ended triode amp and an output transformerless amp?

Is it true that despite its operational inconveniences, a good OTL (eg Tenor Audio) will always sound more "natural" than a good SET (eg a Cary 300SE)?


Glad to provide a laugh.

Your last comment is interesting in that I had posted earlier looking for info on loudspeakers that provide:

A) Appropriate sensitivity and load for a 45 SET amp


B) Sufficiently flat and extended bass response to even judge the bass capabilities of these amps (i.e.- no biamping).

Zu's full range passive (Essence?) looks like it might qualify. Any thoughts on this or other candidates would be appreciated. Again, budget and availability are considerations here.

You really can't ask a question like that without specifying your desired loudness level. 80 dB vs 100 dB - 10x the power!

I recently spent some time driving the 90 dB/W DeVore Super 8 with a pair of 45 monoblocks. I tried it at first just as an experiment, and I discovered, with listening levels of 80 dB on peaks in my large room, the (jazz) bass lines were incredibly articulate - perfectly sculpted. *Much* better than the 300B monos I'd just been using.

Is this a recommendable real-world combo? No, of course not - not unless you listen pretty quietly! My point is that, despite the inappropriate pairing, I could still evaluate the bass of these two sets of amps - and, in both cases, it had exactly the characteristics I have come to expect from these two output tubes. (And, while, again, not recommended, this combo was so good I left it setup this way for weeks. I'm trying to train myself to like lower SPLs anyway - and with this setup I could.)

If you want examples of speakers that can be driven cleanly and dynamically to moderately loud levels with a 45 SET amp, and have bass flat to close to 20 Hz, I can give you two: HE versions of Audio Note AN/Es and Supravox field coils on open baffle. The latter supported by powered subs (TBI) below 50 Hz.

If you want LOUD levels, I think you have to go to front horns and/or speakers with powered bass modules (Zu, others).
Johnk has no clue but he talks a good game.

If he had experience with flea power SET amps that Paulfolbrecht and I do, his comments would be somewhat valid.

Ignore him.