Could someone tell me the difference between a single-ended triode amp and an output transformerless amp?

Is it true that despite its operational inconveniences, a good OTL (eg Tenor Audio) will always sound more "natural" than a good SET (eg a Cary 300SE)?


You really can't ask a question like that without specifying your desired loudness level. 80 dB vs 100 dB - 10x the power!

I recently spent some time driving the 90 dB/W DeVore Super 8 with a pair of 45 monoblocks. I tried it at first just as an experiment, and I discovered, with listening levels of 80 dB on peaks in my large room, the (jazz) bass lines were incredibly articulate - perfectly sculpted. *Much* better than the 300B monos I'd just been using.

Is this a recommendable real-world combo? No, of course not - not unless you listen pretty quietly! My point is that, despite the inappropriate pairing, I could still evaluate the bass of these two sets of amps - and, in both cases, it had exactly the characteristics I have come to expect from these two output tubes. (And, while, again, not recommended, this combo was so good I left it setup this way for weeks. I'm trying to train myself to like lower SPLs anyway - and with this setup I could.)

If you want examples of speakers that can be driven cleanly and dynamically to moderately loud levels with a 45 SET amp, and have bass flat to close to 20 Hz, I can give you two: HE versions of Audio Note AN/Es and Supravox field coils on open baffle. The latter supported by powered subs (TBI) below 50 Hz.

If you want LOUD levels, I think you have to go to front horns and/or speakers with powered bass modules (Zu, others).
Johnk has no clue but he talks a good game.

If he had experience with flea power SET amps that Paulfolbrecht and I do, his comments would be somewhat valid.

Ignore him.
Now, I happen to like JohnK, and some people do prefer the 300B. I never quite have - but they do have their own strengths and can sound very nice (of course).

Surely they have the ability to drive well speakers that 45s can't hope to.

[I meant to point out that my TBI subs are driven from high-level (amp) outputs, meaning I am hearing the bass signal produced by the amp, not the preamp.]
Never said 300b is the best just that I disagree that 45-50 SETs the best for nothing ever is truly the best. You speak in adsolutes as Masty pointed out. And Bill sure Ive owned far more flee powered SETs than you think over 35 at least want pics? But I will take your sugestion Bill and ignore you. Instead I will listen to my collection of SET amps. On my many hi-eff loudspeaker designs take the day off. Bill sells 300b amps to folks bet he doesnt express his preferance then.