Could someone tell me the difference between a single-ended triode amp and an output transformerless amp?

Is it true that despite its operational inconveniences, a good OTL (eg Tenor Audio) will always sound more "natural" than a good SET (eg a Cary 300SE)?

Johnk has no clue but he talks a good game.

If he had experience with flea power SET amps that Paulfolbrecht and I do, his comments would be somewhat valid.

Ignore him.
Now, I happen to like JohnK, and some people do prefer the 300B. I never quite have - but they do have their own strengths and can sound very nice (of course).

Surely they have the ability to drive well speakers that 45s can't hope to.

[I meant to point out that my TBI subs are driven from high-level (amp) outputs, meaning I am hearing the bass signal produced by the amp, not the preamp.]
Never said 300b is the best just that I disagree that 45-50 SETs the best for nothing ever is truly the best. You speak in adsolutes as Masty pointed out. And Bill sure Ive owned far more flee powered SETs than you think over 35 at least want pics? But I will take your sugestion Bill and ignore you. Instead I will listen to my collection of SET amps. On my many hi-eff loudspeaker designs take the day off. Bill sells 300b amps to folks bet he doesnt express his preferance then.
I sell 300B amps to folks who need or want them. I would never recommend a 300B when a 45, PX-25, 50, or 2A3 would suffice.

All things being equal, i.e. the speaker can be driven by any amplifier, the 45 kills the 300B all day long.

Anybody with half an ear would know that.

Perhaps even you John.

Your experience?
LOL, when you get to 50 years, we can talk.

I understand that SPLs will be limited when using a 45 SET amp full range. I am willing to restrict my use of such a system accordingly. I am, however, intrigued by the idea of an SET that can deliver the mid-range I have come to expect of such designs (based primarily on my 300B experience) with superior bass response. To be clear - I don't expect LOUD and I don't expect 20 hz.

I can (and have) used powered subs with my 300B amps. This does not address the point that the 45 lovers here have made regarding the superior bass performance of these amps. If I use powered subs, I don't particularly care about the bass performance of the main amp - 45, 300B, or SS.

If I understand the rest of your post, the Audio Note HE version might be a good choice. Any other ideas? Anyone try the Zu for this purpose?
