Over the top


Well what started off as a quest for a little more punch in my system has turned into some "Over the top" moves on my part. I had been very happy with how musical my Mcintosh MC 2102 & C2200 have been, but I did want a little more dynamics and punch without loosing and musical aspects of the system. My speakers are Sonus Faber Guarneri wich I love, and I was considering adding a second MC 2102 and running them bridged. Long story short I ended up with two Mcintosh MC 2301 monoblocs & Mcintosh C1000T preamp! Over the top or what.....I won't have the new equipment until next week but I am looking forward to it! Can't wait to hear the Guarneri driven by the MC 2301's & C1000T, all comments are welcome........
My right brain has been always in love with McIntosh - my right one keeps telling me it is just pricey Hi-Fi. My best decisions in life have come from my right brain!!!
Right brain left brain right brain left brain right brain left brain......Wow! It's like brains in stereo. The RIGHT thing to do in any given situation is usually the most difficult. It's not by any chance that I always do the EASY thing, it also appears that the EASY thing is also the wrong thing to do. A couple of weeks ago the RIGHT brain said "Go buy a couple of Mcintosh MC2301's and a Mcintosh C1000T, I think the Left brain was on holidays! Next thing you know the "Stuff" is on my audio rack.
Good choice... my left brain was also there while writing the original post.. anyway... I am sure you got the message - do enjoy them!