6C33C-B tubes

I have 35w p/p Class A monoblocks which use two 6C33C-B tubes per unit. The manufacturer recommends a bias setting of 150mv. Before biasing (once a month), the tubes' measurements rarely deviate more than 10mv over/under the 150mv. Over the last year, I’m guessing that they’ve been in use for about 1000 hours. I have no idea what their expected lifespan might be. So far, biasing is still relatively easy. The manufacturer is no longer around to answer any questions. So, here’s a few for the Audiogon community.

1) For those of you using 6C33C-B tubes, are you able to guesstimate their lifespan in your amp – in Class A operation?
2) Generally speaking, how necessary is it to bias exactly to the manufacturer’s recommendation – in this case 150mv? Is there an acceptable tolerance +/- %?

Thanks! P.S. I’ve been replacing the sockets once a year.
The pair of 6C33C-B tubes providing 75 wpc in my BAT VK75SE are biased 200ma with 210V plate voltage. They begin to degrade sonically at 1200-1500 hrs. I have not needed to replace a tube socket in 10K hours of service.
Agree with Dave's statements above. I once asked Victor about needing to replace a 6C33C-B tube socket and he said it is quite rare, if ever, in his experience.
why do you need to replace 6C33C socket? in the case of BAT, it's a difficult job so not likely owner is expected to replace socket once a year.
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