Which tubes are better...

Just curious on which of the two tubes are better, GE 12AU7 or Jan/Philip 5814A. The 12AU7 are stock in my Belles but I have a new pair of Jan from my previous Rogue Cronus Integrated Amp. Didn't know if it would be a waste of time swopping to possibly an inferior tube.

The best tubes that I ever used in my Belles preamp were the Mullard CV4003 from Upscale Audio. The platinum grade are only $40 each.

Of the two you mention above, I would try the JAN Philips 5814. Swapping tubes in the Belles is very easy and only takes a few minutes...go for it!


Thanks for the response, I contacted Upscale two hours ago and ordered two pairs of CV4003's. Should have them in about 7 days. I was torn between the clear top but the word
musical seem to be the theme of Mullard users.

Wig :)

I also have the Mullard Cv4003 in my PL Dialogue 2 Integrated. Please post and tell how you like them. They are my favorite NOS I have tried. Enjoy!