Which tubes are better...

Just curious on which of the two tubes are better, GE 12AU7 or Jan/Philip 5814A. The 12AU7 are stock in my Belles but I have a new pair of Jan from my previous Rogue Cronus Integrated Amp. Didn't know if it would be a waste of time swopping to possibly an inferior tube.

The best tubes that I ever used in my Belles preamp were the Mullard CV4003 from Upscale Audio. The platinum grade are only $40 each.

Of the two you mention above, I would try the JAN Philips 5814. Swapping tubes in the Belles is very easy and only takes a few minutes...go for it!


Thanks for the response, I contacted Upscale two hours ago and ordered two pairs of CV4003's. Should have them in about 7 days. I was torn between the clear top but the word
musical seem to be the theme of Mullard users.

Wig :)

I also have the Mullard Cv4003 in my PL Dialogue 2 Integrated. Please post and tell how you like them. They are my favorite NOS I have tried. Enjoy!

I tried the RCA clear tops also, (in addition to ALOT of others). They are good, but not on the same level as the Mullards...in the Belles preamp anyway. You should really enjoy the CV4003's.