50 WPCish Integrated/Receiver for Apartment

Any suggestions for a really good 2 channel receiver or integrated amp for running a pair of Klipsch Quartets in an apartment? Something with a phono input is preferable. Looking to spend less than $500 and have looked at the Yamaha RX-397 receiver. Has anyone spent any time with this unit and/or have an opinion on it? Listening to a wide variety of music, 60s and 70s rock being in the slight majority.
Look on eBay for a yamaha CR640 or 820.. up to CR2040. There are usually a few on there in good shape. They were made in the late 70s or early 80s, and have a nice phono stage. They are usually going for $100 or less, and I promise you there is no better receiver to be had for anywhere near that money. I owned one when they first came out, it was awesome. I have bought 2 since then for folks like you looking for an inexpensive receiver with good sound quality. You will not be disappointed in one of these. There was one listed here, but it was listed for $350. Probably still listed, I saw it yesterday. Even at that price, I would say you would be very happy.
The smallest Jolida hybrid integrated with an NAD or Project phono stage is worth considering.
The Onkyo A-9555 should be a good choice. The link is to a Stereophile review. I've owned one and was very impressed by the sound and the build quality, though I didn't try the phono stage. List price is $800 but they're generally available around your $500 limit.