McIntosh MC-75 in unknown condition, what do I do?

OK, I hope people don't hate me for this, I found a McIntosh MC-75 that was getting thrown out with a bunch of old electrical test equipment. I have no idea why it was getting dumped but it was there and I am attempting to recycle it.

Of course this isn't a process with out a few hang ups. First, I only have one amp and these are mono-blocks, normally sold as a pair. As such I don't know how much I should expect to pay for 1 additional amp so I can have a pair of the things. Heck, I'm not sure I even know where to find a single MC-75! Well aside from in a pile of junk test equipment.

Second, I haven't even plugged the thing in yet. I don't want to find out that something is wrong with it and I did more damage by powering it up without checking first. Any suggestions as to what I might check before I plug it in and what I might do after I plug it in?

Finally, any suggested resources for this amp? I admit I haven't searched much but if anyone has any recommendations off the top of the head I would appreciate it.
Oops! The first sentence of the last paragraph of my preceding post should have read:

Apply the polish with cloths or cotton swabs, being very careful NOT to get any of it on the lettering, and being careful not to get it into crevices from which you may not be able to wipe off the residue

-- Al
Here is another alternative. These guys are big on Mac gear.
Nikki, for cleaning tubes I always use Ronsonal lighter fluid (naptha - the same solvent drycleaners use.) It will amazingly NOT hurt even the fragile white chalky printing on a lot of European tubes like Telefunkens! Whereas anything with water in it will take the labels right off! The labels on the KT-88's are fairly durable. They are probably Gold Lions, correct? -- that's what McIntosh used quite a lot as their OEM KT88's back in the day. Though used, they're probably still stronger than current KT88's are new -- I have a few and they all test better than the new stuff!

If the lettering on the chrome chassis is 80% intact or more, then it's worth bending over backward to save; so I'd caution against using any kind of abrasive cleaner or pad because it will remove the lettering if it's even in the same room! ;-) Terry recommends something that comes as cotton wad impregnated with some chemical that won't wipe the lettering off -- you'll have to ask him.

If you go to his site, you'll see some unbelievable restoration jobs -- amps that have been through fires, etc.

Thanks for the tips! I don't recall seeing Gold Lion on them. I'll take another look when I'm back in the lab tomorrow.

The chassis chrome is generally good. The top could easily be cleaned without ever touching the printing. The worst parts are the bends in the metal and the back where all the specs are printed. Everything is still 100% readable but hardly clean.

The hardest part of this whole thing is resisting the urge just to try the amp!

I've given the amp some TLC over the last few days. I took the lighter fluid advice and cleaned the tubes themselves. I've been carefully using brasso to clean the chrome surfaces. The rust pits are their for good but it's MUCH better. The guts looked good so slowly powered the amp up. It does in fact work. The RCA plug certainly could stand to be cleaned. It's connection to the cheap Y-cable from my mp3 player was iffy at best. The amp drove my MMG to a reasonable level.

I can't say anything about true sound quality at this point as I never feed it a good signal and really, I just have one.

I sure is a pretty thing with some cleanup. It makes me wish I could find a second dumpster 75! I haven't actually figured out what to do with this one. I would like to keep it but it's not well suited for either my MMGs nor my NHT 2.5i's. The cost of a second amp is questionable budget wise, adding new speakers on top of that is a non-starter. It's a bit like being given a Ferrari with a bad transmission. You know it's capable of so much but until you sink the cost of a nice car into the transmission you have nothing but a beautiful garage queen.

Thanks for the help all!