Jazzonthehudson, thanks for understanding my not really wanting to spend my time enumerating all the cables that lead up to my comments on the High Fidelity cables. I've been at this hobby since 1968 with high end stuff and since 1959 with kit systems or better. Frankly, when I first put in one pair of the HF CT-1 Standards, my attention was immediately gathered. It was like looking through a freshly cleaned window after years were I assumed all windows were dirty. Since then on hearing a full loom of the Enhance, then Ultimates, and soon I hope, the Ultimate References, I have opened the window entirely.
Personally, it is enthusiasm that most impresses me in reviews, not the names of component with which the reviewed item is to be compared. Right now I would love to hear the Crystal Absolute Dream cables, but given their price, I dare not ever hear them. I was so warned by a friend who has heard them. I must admit, however, that he uttered the dreaded alert words for me, "very musical." I want real not musical.
Personally, it is enthusiasm that most impresses me in reviews, not the names of component with which the reviewed item is to be compared. Right now I would love to hear the Crystal Absolute Dream cables, but given their price, I dare not ever hear them. I was so warned by a friend who has heard them. I must admit, however, that he uttered the dreaded alert words for me, "very musical." I want real not musical.