What the most musical power amp for under $1K?

I have this Audio Research tube amp that soon will need to be retubed. So, one night I decided, just for fun, to hook up a little NAD 50 watt receiver, that I have in my office system, to drive my Von Schweikert VR4 SE's. Well, I couldn't believe it. The damn thing sounded pretty good. The word that coming to mind while listening was MUSICAL. No, it didn't have near the resolution, or air, or extension on the top as the Audio Research, but it sounded very nice, rich, warm and musical.
So, now I've been looking for something like a used NAD C272. Something to hold me over, until I really decide if I want to spend the bucks to retube, or get something else.
To get to the question, what's your recommendation for an inexpensive, MUSICAL, solid state amp to hold me over until I decide what to do (NAD, Parasound, Quad 909, Cambridge Audio, used Krell, etc). I'd like to find something for under $1K.
In advance, thanks!
One more to consider. I've really enjoyed the Aloia 13.01i amp, which can be found close to your price range (used). It's only rated at 30 watts, but puts out much more and with the hefty inductive power supply can drive most speakers with reasonable impedance.
This amp originally retailed for $4K and was considered a bargain at the time by many (including one reviewer who thought it competed with his Lamm monos).
I have a McCormack DNA 125 and love it, in fact it replaced an Anthem AMP 1 which was a nice sounding 40w tube amp. The DNA 125 is a great amp that you can find used for around $800. FWIW I paid $1600 for mine new and felt it was well worth the money, a mint used one for half that is truely a bargain.
Used Pass Labs Aleph 3. 30 watts of single ended Class A solid state. Many reviews out there.