Like any other component in the Audio Chain; Preamps or Line Stages do make a difference, good ones may improve the sound, poor ones may worsen the sound, and no Preamp will have no effect on the sound. This could either be good or bad.
Last year, I had a Bel Canto DAC3 hooked directly up to my amps and it sounded very good, so I thoughtÂ…, until I hooked the DAC up to an old VTL Super Deluxe Preamp and the overall presentation had improved even further. The improvements with the preamp in the loop revealed a deeper soundstage, more realistic presence and midrange, better authority and dynamics, and more involving PRAT.
Then I upgraded my Preamp to the more costly MBL 6010D and connected it to the Bel Canto DAC3 and this time around the results were even better than before. I noticed further improvements in 3-D imaging, tonality, timbre, resolution, decay, transparency, and PRAT with the MBL preamp in the chain, as opposed to just using the Bel Canto DAC3 to drive the Amps directly.
After my experiences, I can no longer imagine not having a high quality preamp in my system.