battery powered with 'vivid' sound

I am looking for battery powered amp options that have a sound signature more vivid in nature than refined. I'm basically looking for a battery powered version of a Manley tube amp operating in triode mode (connected to a pair of ProAc 1SC). My real objective is to get my components off the grid and save the thousands of dollars I would otherwise spend on re-wiring the house, power conditioning, and cables.

I have a Red Wine Signature 30.2 that I'm trying out and there is a lot to like about it; detail and staging blow away the Manley and my acoustic jazz on vinyl is wonderful. But it comes up shy to what I want with rock and pop, it's not as emotional or involving compared to the Manley.

Maybe you'd be interested in VELOCE's battery-powered lineup at
I had the 30.2 and went up to the 70.2. With the Zu Presence speakers and RWA Isabella Pre/Dac, I find none of the lack you are hearing with your 30.2. The amps can kick ass with rock/pop and be as emotional/involving as my ex AN 300B.

This audio journey can be a very long and winding road.

ASR will do you fine if you can handle the $$$.
Glory, I'm curious about your upgrade - was it the 70.2 that did it or the Isabella pre? What about the sound changed for you? My sense with the 30.2 integrated is that what I'm missing is not the muscle but the bloom and sweetness of tubes.