battery powered with 'vivid' sound

I am looking for battery powered amp options that have a sound signature more vivid in nature than refined. I'm basically looking for a battery powered version of a Manley tube amp operating in triode mode (connected to a pair of ProAc 1SC). My real objective is to get my components off the grid and save the thousands of dollars I would otherwise spend on re-wiring the house, power conditioning, and cables.

I have a Red Wine Signature 30.2 that I'm trying out and there is a lot to like about it; detail and staging blow away the Manley and my acoustic jazz on vinyl is wonderful. But it comes up shy to what I want with rock and pop, it's not as emotional or involving compared to the Manley.

I love the idea of battery power for many reasons but agree that there is something lacking. I had a RWA amp and found I listened to less music as the days passed. At first the noise floor and staging were impressive but after a while I found it dull and got rid of it.

It would be a nice second summer amp because it is cool and uses little power.

Had it with Devore Super 8's and Verity Taminos. It was only the Sig 30, not the 30.2. I assume there is a big difference.
Maybe you'd be interested in VELOCE's battery-powered lineup at
I had the 30.2 and went up to the 70.2. With the Zu Presence speakers and RWA Isabella Pre/Dac, I find none of the lack you are hearing with your 30.2. The amps can kick ass with rock/pop and be as emotional/involving as my ex AN 300B.

This audio journey can be a very long and winding road.

ASR will do you fine if you can handle the $$$.