battery powered with 'vivid' sound

I am looking for battery powered amp options that have a sound signature more vivid in nature than refined. I'm basically looking for a battery powered version of a Manley tube amp operating in triode mode (connected to a pair of ProAc 1SC). My real objective is to get my components off the grid and save the thousands of dollars I would otherwise spend on re-wiring the house, power conditioning, and cables.

I have a Red Wine Signature 30.2 that I'm trying out and there is a lot to like about it; detail and staging blow away the Manley and my acoustic jazz on vinyl is wonderful. But it comes up shy to what I want with rock and pop, it's not as emotional or involving compared to the Manley.

The 70.2 gives you more of everything the 30.2 gives you.
The Isabella vs. Dodd, Isabella gives you more of a tube/analog sound where the Dodd is more SS like that will excel at both rock and a small sized jazz band.

The Lector CDP was sold and I went with a Mac Mini and that was a BIG difference in the sound in a positive way.

Wait for the Dodd to come up cheap on the 'Gon and try it with the early Siemens CCa and you will be very happy with the results when paired with the 30.2.
Seems like its pretty much Dodd or Red Wine unless I want to shell out the big bucks for ASR or Veloce.

It just seems that there should be more companies using battery power for all the problems it solves.
I had a Red Wine 30.2,very musical,when I was in another part of the house it sounded like I had a live trio in my music room.Also very involving and clean,definitely something about being off the grid.Unfortunately it wasn't a good match with my Innersound stats,kinda like the first wife,so I sold it.Too bad I couldn't have sold her with it.
Good things come to those who wait.............;)
If you can wait few more will reveal itself and won't hurt your pocket.
