battery powered with 'vivid' sound

I am looking for battery powered amp options that have a sound signature more vivid in nature than refined. I'm basically looking for a battery powered version of a Manley tube amp operating in triode mode (connected to a pair of ProAc 1SC). My real objective is to get my components off the grid and save the thousands of dollars I would otherwise spend on re-wiring the house, power conditioning, and cables.

I have a Red Wine Signature 30.2 that I'm trying out and there is a lot to like about it; detail and staging blow away the Manley and my acoustic jazz on vinyl is wonderful. But it comes up shy to what I want with rock and pop, it's not as emotional or involving compared to the Manley.

Seems like its pretty much Dodd or Red Wine unless I want to shell out the big bucks for ASR or Veloce.

It just seems that there should be more companies using battery power for all the problems it solves.
I had a Red Wine 30.2,very musical,when I was in another part of the house it sounded like I had a live trio in my music room.Also very involving and clean,definitely something about being off the grid.Unfortunately it wasn't a good match with my Innersound stats,kinda like the first wife,so I sold it.Too bad I couldn't have sold her with it.
Good things come to those who wait.............;)
If you can wait few more will reveal itself and won't hurt your pocket.

I've experimented with battery power quite a bit over the past year, using the Dodd pre, Musical Surroundings Nova Phono Pre and a BPT battery power supply for the Squeezebox. I've generally concluded that if you have clean AC power available to your system, the benefits of battery power are largely overstated. The Dodd Pre is excellent and was dead quiet - but so is the VAC Renaissance MKII that I currently use. I still had some noise and hum issues with the Nova, so battery power is not a panacea for the ills that often affect phono pres. Also, you have to consider the inherent maintenance (battery replacement) and possible listening restrictions (need to recharge, etc.) in considering going with battery power. All in all, I've decided to move on from battery power for the time being.

To the original poster, I will say that in terms of sonics, the Dodd pre would fit your needs precisely. It's an excellent piece.
I have found that even with a RSA Dmitri/ full Isoclean system hooked up to my system that it never matched the glory of my system being completly off the grid.

I will never go back to AC after hearing what I have now in my system.

I have the Dmitri still but use it only for my Mac./TV./SAT./DVD.