Cloning Class A Classics Continued..

I was recently tempted by reasonably priced "clones" of Pass and/or Krell amps.

Which made me wonder:

If these classic, high end deigns have enduring value, and still compete effectively with the insanely more expensive high end components of today..

...then why isn't someone banging them out on an assembly line, and selling them for the price of dirt, like the Behringer A500 which receives raves in another thread.

Does anyone build or know someone who builds reasonably priced, Class A clones?

Thank you,
I beleive Threshold (Nova Audio) re-released the s/350e.
Another major issue is coming up with the parts that they used in the originals. Transformers in particular are troublesome...
They do have patents, you know?

Does anyone remember Nakimici ? I believe they ripped Pass at one time.

Sometimes smart designers do stupid stuff just to see if anyone copies.(This can be very interesting)

It costs allot to manufacture, even if you just copy someone else. Items like the heat sinks are very expensive to produce in small quantities. A good portion of the product cost is the Faceplate/chasis.

Are you planing on getting UL approval and using serial numbers? I've seen some cheap knock-off stuff that does not even have a serial number or UL.
Are those issues of Nelson Pass provides the DIY community with the schematics? Not sure. Though if someone built one of these things without knowing what they are doing and a fire starts.... From what I can tell, Tim Rawson does know what he is doing.