Pathos logos strong enough to drive winds?

Im looking at Pathos integrated amp and im wondering if it will strong enough to drive my Totem Winds properly. Any feed back would be greatly appreciated. And any other integrated that compares would be a plus.
Well after much debate i have made up my mind. I will be stearing away from the tubes just because of lack of power. I have opted to go with a Bryston Bp 26 with dac incorporated and Bryston's 4b sst square. Thanks for all the patients and knowledge to the forums on audiogon. I should get the 4B sst in about 2 weeks and will keep you updated. Thanks again to everyone.
This thread was about power and getting the best out of the speakers. How about how the amp SOUNDS and how it can convey the soul of music? In my humble opinion, The Pathos Logos is above everything other amp mentionned here by far. Class A tube preamp up top, with iron-fisted solid state design below. Every single review out there glowing, but it is when you finally sit down and listen to this marvel that you will "get it".

Which would you rather have? An amp that gets the power issue right but misses out on the goosebump factor or an amp that may miss slightly on power yet produces emotion in spades? And by the way, the Logos at 110 watts is no sloutch.

Lastly, the Pathos design looks like a true work of art, (as one of the reviews says, "it's so Italian it hurts''). In my book, and at the price those toys go for, looks count.