Jadis DA 60 Integrated

Been looking at this amp and am curious what it is about the design that requires 8 KT88s to produce 60wpc whereas most other amps e.g. Ayon Spirit 2 require only 4 for the same or close wpc?
Flg2001, where are you getting your information about the DA60 operating in Class A/B?

Jadis has always advertised the DA30 and DA60 as operating in pure Class A. The power consumption figures are listed as being the same as their respective counterparts, the DA50S and DA88S. I can't speak to the DA60 or DA88S in terms of bias with any authority as I've not measured them on the bench, but from getting my Defy DA30 together, it's Class A. Indeed, I was told by a fellow I correspond with at the factory that the Defy DA30 that I own (built in 1990), which is the original Jadis integrated, is biased the most heavily into Class A of all of the integrated iterations, and more reflective of earlier Jadis philosophy if you know what I mean. Overall, the DA60 seems to be mostly of the same mind (there surely are differences, circuitwise, some of which more meaningful than others), apart from doubling the tube count and upping the transformers considerably.

I'm not necessarily refuting you, but I was told the newer generation represents some tidy improvements in both circuit and implementation (for example, a more elegant and efficient selector control) as well as details which provide more optimization with the focus on using KT88 (and 6550/KT90) output tubes, whereas the older variety run very well (I would say optimally) with EL34/6CA7/KT77 tube types. The newer amps supposedly also run the smaller tubes, but for whatever reason, the larger ones are recommended. Anyway, I'm told these things result in what they like to call a more "black and white", as opposed to "grey", kind of sound - see my more clarity, detail, etc., and perhaps bit less romance and sweetness ala the general trend in high-end audio through the past decade. In general, as you said, more reflective of how Jadis thinking has evolved towards the current time.

Why do they offer both old and new product lines? Though I've asked several people, I've never gotten what I consider a good answer from anyone on that.
Phaelon - I have had the opportunity to hear them all - either in my own systems, or at friend's installations, and some at the local dealer show rooms. Both the DA60 and the DA88s produce a very dynamic presentation and handle almost all kind of speaker load and sensitivities with easy, to my ears the DA88s is more refined and textured, which might seem apealing to some since others would lean towards a more solid articulation of notes and a tad better attack of the DA60 - again - both are excellent and would not stand on the one-is-better-than-the-other camp at all.

Trejla - My appologies for the confusion I created on the A/AB design - reading again and checking with the Jadis dealer he confirmed, as you also said, that both are pure class A implementations and the difference in design reside in some better parts selection on transformers and shortest signal paths of the more expensive Signature desgins.

Finaly - I decided for the DA50S over the DA88S because of the additional purity I got from just two tubes per side against 4 per side which was noticable at least for me for the kind of material I listen the most (Jazz, Early Music and Blues).

Thanks for the clarification, Fernando.

As I put in my first post, I hear the same thing you did in the DA50S versus DA88S comparison in my DA30 versus DA60. The DA30 does sound more sweet and probably more natural, though for the reasons I already stated, I cannot totally say as to why.
Trelja - After 30 years in this hobby, one clear lesson I have received is that system matching is far more critical than independently picking the "best" component at each link of the chain - there is surely a better balance with your sources and speakers with the DA30 than with the DA60.

It took me almost 3 years to return to a well-balanced system since I left a nice Pass/Avalon/Wadia/VPI combination until now with the Jadis/Reimyo/Sonus Faber/Avid based system, expensive lesson for sure. :-)

Take care,
Wound up purchasing an Ayon Spirit 2 , couldn't work the finances for a DA60. The Spirit 2 is very well built, and although I only have about 15 hours on it, very musical, good separation and decay, etc. most of all it is very enjoyable listening to music driven by this amp -looking forward to it breaking in. Came with new production Gold Lion KT88s and I passed on installing the new stock EH 12au7s - amp takes 4 - instead I am trying NOS Sylvania's - 5814s and ECC82s - one of each on each side - so far so good. Will try some RFTs after awhile. Outstanding customer service from the folks at USA Tube Audio.