Geoffkait, CD treatments. I've played with many CD cleaners over the years
moving on to better and better results. The best one IMHO is Essence of Music used in a 3 step cleaning procedure. Amazing inner detail.
For demagnification I've found the (now out of production) HIFI tuning damage unit with 4 times the demag capabilities of other devices. Many steps closer to real. (available from china now but 220V)
The best CD mat I find is the Marigo Audio Labs "Ultima Signature Mat"
Layers of additional information. I use a Sharpie Black paint pen to darken the edges and the center edge of the disc to reduce noise from laser light bounce inside the CD. much quieter cleaner sound.
Most of my CD's have edge cut at angles to reduce internal reflection but the newer ones have not been done yet.
With the advent of Ricks Magnetic items from High Fidelity gear I have so much more realistic and micro detailed music that test become much easier to hear. I know from experience that some of the tweaks I use will not show improvement in basic systems ( under $10K ) but have immediate and profound effects on $25K and up systems. So not for everybody.
moving on to better and better results. The best one IMHO is Essence of Music used in a 3 step cleaning procedure. Amazing inner detail.
For demagnification I've found the (now out of production) HIFI tuning damage unit with 4 times the demag capabilities of other devices. Many steps closer to real. (available from china now but 220V)
The best CD mat I find is the Marigo Audio Labs "Ultima Signature Mat"
Layers of additional information. I use a Sharpie Black paint pen to darken the edges and the center edge of the disc to reduce noise from laser light bounce inside the CD. much quieter cleaner sound.
Most of my CD's have edge cut at angles to reduce internal reflection but the newer ones have not been done yet.
With the advent of Ricks Magnetic items from High Fidelity gear I have so much more realistic and micro detailed music that test become much easier to hear. I know from experience that some of the tweaks I use will not show improvement in basic systems ( under $10K ) but have immediate and profound effects on $25K and up systems. So not for everybody.