ICE amps vs analog amps for bass

I'm currently running Legacy Helix loudspeakers. The bass and subwoofers are being driven by two pair of 500 watt ICE amplifier modules while the Midrange and treble frequencies are being driven by two pair of Levinson 436 amplifiers. While originally auditioning the speakers I heard them with analog amps on the bass, treble, and midrange sections and the sound was superb. However, I was assured that the ICE amps would be sufficient to drive the bass sections so I've given them a try. However the bass sounds funny. I don't hear the impact, definition, and subtle "spatial cues" that I know are in the recordings.
I partially am blaming the ICE modules. I'd sure like some input in solving the problem. I can "upgrade" to "analog" amps for the bass if I choose, but for space reasons and economic reasons, would prefer to continue to use the ICE amps. I'm considering Parasound JC-1s, or Bryston 7bs, for the bass if I switch.
Thanks for your help in advance.
my response would probably fall under the category of "covering all the bases" and you've probably already thought about it, but i would just make sure your cables are up to the job. seems like they sould sound good with decent power, interconnect, and speaker cables.

my martin logan summits (which i believe use ice modules in them to power the woofers) react quite differently to which interconnect (and power cable) is used for the bass frequencies - and to a lesser extent, speaker wire.

quite a few interconnects i've tried with them make them sound slower and woolier (i feed the panels and the woofers separately). i've had very good luck with silver interconnects on the bass, you could try a mac ultra silver, for example, for a ridiculously low cost.

good luck
Parasound JC-1's for the bass would be like drinking a top-shelf Burgundy with a taco - they're better than your Levinson monoblocks and would sound superb full-range on your Legacy's.

You may not have an A/C power supply that's sympathetic to Class D amplification. If you could get a hold of a power supply for the ICe modules, like Rowland's power supply, you would get a lot more performance.

That said, I again suggest running your Legacy's full-range with JC-1's, or even better, going with a much lower wattage amp like Pass's XA series or the darTZeel. A 98 db. efficient speaker gives you the luxury of avoiding high-powered amps, which require feedback to stabilize the circuit and have too many output devices to provide natural sound.
Maybe you need to try a different brand. You know even analog amps sound quite different from brand-to-brand. I have a class A/B amp on my main system and tried many As and A/Bs on both it and my second system. I just bought a Bel Canto (Class D) amp for my second system and the bass is very good. Also it didn't take long to break in and doesn't need to be left on all the time, although I think idle power draw is only 17 watts so it wouldn't matter much in that regard. I turn it off because I prefer the blue power diode off at night in my bedroom although it's not bad (not like the Pass backlight that lit up the whole room). It sounds great right on power up. I suggest you consider a different amp. Especially for bass only, you shouldn't need to worry about any of the criticisms on Class D. In fact Class D amps are almost universally regarded for their bass performance.
Within the Bel Canto line, I suggest the Reference 500 monoblpocks. . . they use the same ICEpower 500ASP that you have deployed, but John Sytronczer has built around them an amplifier that is incredibly musical. I have evaluated their bigger broter, the REF 1000 Mk.2 for Positive Feedback, and the bass is very delightful. G.
One caveat on the ref500s. Although they are supposed to be the best sounding amp Bel Canto makes per John, according to my dealer he hasn't sold any. Why? Because the Ref1000s are only about $500 more so customers either buy the ref1000s or drop way down in the price range to the s500 (almost half the price of a pair of ref500s). Or they drop down to the ref1000s Mk1s at 2/3s of the price of the MkIIs. I've read that the Is sound pretty close to the mkIIs. Just something to consider if you plan to sell at some point.