Best Integrated Under $3000

I tried this in a earlier thread and did not receive any responses. So, I will try this another way. I am a newbie and am looking to purchase a new integrated or an immaculate used integrated. However, the more I look and research the more indecisive I become. I will be mainly using a two channel set up listening to mostly vinyl through a Clearaudio Emotion TT but some CD's as well. I will also be using the system as part of a HT (80% 2 Channel-20% HT). I have a Marantz SR-6400 to power the rears and center. The speakers are Kirksaeter Prisma 210 (very efficient). I was initially leaning toward Musical Fidelity (A5.5 new, or Nu-Vista, Tri-Vista used), but I like the McIntosh MA-6300 as well. Then a friend told me to look at the Rega Elicit which also reviews well but does not have much power. Finally, my dealer advised to look at the Atoll IN200, which also looks like a great piece and reviewed great in 6moons.

So please experienced Audiophiles, I bow to your expertise. Please grant me more knowledge from your experience on any of these models or one that is not on the list.
The Blue Circle BC-24 is a Hybrid amplifier not an integrated. Just my opinion, but I previously owned a McIntosh integrated (6900) and thought the soundstage was two dimensional.
If you buy used at a good price then you can't loose. If you don't like it or want to try a different flavor, just sell it and buy another one.

Have fun... this isn't rocket surgery.

Except for the misspelling of lose, I agree with Lokie. After going that route and owning ten or more integrated amps the best I found was the Bel Canto eVo2i. Put it on your list and also add the Primare I30.

Disclaimer: I am not the seller nor do I know the seller.
If you can't audition these then you are going to have to take a leap of faith. Chances are that if you haven't ever owned any good gear then anything is going to sound pretty good and you will be happy. You will only know if you get them all and only keep your favorite if you have made the perfect choice. If you know that those are the speakers you are keeping then I would do my best to find out what gear is know to sound good with them and go from there. If you're still not sure then go with a well known brand and try to get a good price used.