ARC = What are the Golden Amps

I'm looking to purchase a new amp (used). What would you consider as ARC's best vintage amps...looking from late 80's to mid 90's with a budget ceiling of $3500. Since my system is pretty much balanced, would prefer the amp be that way also.

My system:
pre amp: ARC LS 25
Speakers: Wilson Witts (series 1)
Current amp ARC VT 130 --really like it esp for small jazz, all vocals. Want more dynamic range for large scale orchestra (I love Malher)
Thanks for the responses. My local dealer has a pair of M300 MKII that are in the $$ ball park. His perspective is that they are close to the VT 150's. What say you?
I heard the Classic 60 earlier this year. This is PP Triode
if I am not mistaken. It sounded very good, with plenty of detail and texture. This one is a winner IMO.
The Classic 60 sounds fine, but its input stage uses FETs.
Eventually one hears the FET sound and may experience listening fatigue.
I prefer ARC's all-tube amps, the Golden Oldies.
Also, the Classic 60 is under-powered to properly drive Wilson speakers.

Daniel is correct in looking for something in the 150W neighborhood.

One more comment: Wilson usually demoes their speakers at Hi-Fi shows with VTL amps, you may want to audition them.

Vandersteen usually demoes with ARC, the ARC high-definition amps make the Vandies jump up and dance.

I believe both decisions were based on sinergy.
good luck