Most musical integrated amp you have heard?

Not sure how to define "musical" precisely, maybe just the feeling that "you are there". Use this as standard, what is the integrated amp you have ever heard that gives you that feeling? regardless price point.
Smholl, can you provide more details about the comparision between the naim nait xs and the mcintosh c42/mc252? The mcintosh gears are much more expensive than the nait xs.
I'd agree with Larryi.....Viva Solista mkII (August 09 upgraded) is one of the most natural music machines ever build.
Redgum RGI-120enr
Rate at 155wpc they are very powerful with lovely midrange and bass response . The units come with a factory test spec sheet and my unit indeed came with test specs of 215wpc into 8ohm . Very reliable and great customer service and backup.
Accuphase Integrated amps. I think the LFD Zero III is going up the list as well the more i listen to them at the dealer's place.