Good amp for Klyne....

I have a Klyne SK-5A about to arrive. I've wanted a Klyne preamp for years, ever since I had a chance to listen to one many moons ago and the opportunity arose to lay hands on one. Just wondering from any other Klyne users what kind of power amps you've had good results with? I'll be driving Magnepan MG12's. Just wondering if there's any really synergistic pairings where the Klyne pre's can put their best foot forward.... thanks!
Ag insider logo xs@2xdogmcd
Dogmcd-If you don't get a reply I would call Stan Klyne directly and ask him this question;He is a very nice guy to talk audio;reminds me of Ralph from Atmasphere and Klaus from Odyssey.
I have a Klyne 5A to and find the phono section to be one of the most revealing for detail I have ever known. The CD with my modified Adcom was a bit harsh leading me to the conclusion that this pre would sound awesome with tube power amps. In any event it has a fantastic phono stage and can be used just for that and route it into a pre that doesn't have a phono stage. When i first heard this with my analog rig I was blown away,in fact I can even remember the first album i played on it,MOFI American Beauty by the Grateful Dead.
I've been happy with my Klyne 6 series with CJ Premier 11A, I have used other tube preamps since I prefer the musical sound more than the frequency extension, however Klyne is best among them, very quiet, neutral and reliable to give the center stage to amp and source.
Thanks for the replies folks, appreciate them all. I did call and get a chance to talk directly to Stan Klyne and he was very helpful; nice guy!