Cambridge Audio 840a vs McIntosh MA6500.

I currently have the 840a, and am demoing a McIntosh 6500 right now. They both have a distinctly different sound, but I can't really decide which I like better. I would assume the Mc would have a much more accurate sound considering their price and their reputation. I don't know though, the treble just seems better to me on my 840, maybe I'm just used to it's sound since I've had it for so long. So far I haven't been able to justify getting the 6500 yet.

Also the speakers I am using are B&W 805s.
I agree with Tpreaves. Everyone hears a little differently. Just trust your own ears.
Have you listened and compared the 2 integrateds in the same systems? If you have then its a fair comparison. If not it is not.
I think you are experiencing yout first brush with the McIntosh house sound. Some, like myself, are big fans. To others, it may be an acquired taste or may never sound right. Your ears will let you know soon enough.
I am doing the same, comparing a 6500 against a Marantz reference integrated.

I like both but slowly leaning towards the 6500. It's tough because there is a major price difference.