Nolitan: I don't know whether this is helpful to you, but I've spent a lot of time comparing OLD (pre-1984) Luxmans, tubes, integrateds, and solid-state against Accuphase and some others I mentioned previously.
I found all Accuphase I listened to sounded detailed but "flat" and "dead," without musical energy, in comparison to all the Luxmans I listened to.
I have neither heard nor seen an LFD yet.
There is also wide variation among the Luxmans, however.
The sound I like best comes from the 503x, 504, 507, and SQ38 (all pre-1984). The older all-tube Lux such as MQ60 (mine was a 1969 model) that I had for a while didn't quite cut it against these models, sounding "thin" in comparison.
I tried these through many speakers (Yamaha NS1000x, B&W 805N, Rogers LS2a at home, and McIntosh XRT25, Wilson Benesch, and even a pair of Quad ESL-989s! at the local shop), and over a wide range of music as well, on CDs played through my Njoe TJoeb Superb.