Rotel vs NAD

looking at either the NAD 165 pre-275 amp combo, or the Rotel 1580 pre-1552 amp combo. anybody with experience with either i would love to hear your thoughts. i listened to the NAD combo today and really liked it. unfortunately i cant demo the Rotel in my area. insight into sound and build qaulity would be great.
Just to add to the above can run Rotel with
a 4ohm load. I am doing it right now. Contact Rotel if you have any questions. Their customer service is much better than NAD's. Trust me I have more NAD equipment than Rotel.
They just do not advertise it.....but state the power increases with a lower load.

Also try running either the NAD or Rotel with a better
(CJ, old Mcintosh etc.) preamp. Bothe of these amps are much better. I once had a Mcintosh C-15 with a NAD amp(270 I think). Believe it or not it was one of my most favorite systems. I have done this with both brands. Great improvement without killing your wallet for a high dollar amp.
someone above mentioned 'no 4ohm rating on Rotel amp'.
True. I had an RB-1070 rated at 130x2 with no 4ohm rating. However, it would bridge to 390x1 at 8ohms. From this I infer a rating of 195x2 at 4ohms. Make sense?
Going upline to the RB-1080 of 200x2, they did specify of 4ohm power.

Sound? A little brisk into my panels and congested at higher levels. I eventually went 'd'. I'd like to try the Rotel again, since I have adjusted the room since its being sold and that changed the character of what I was hearing, for the better.
This is somewhat related anyone hear either new NAD C 565BEE CD Player, or Rotel new CDP RCD-1520, the nad is a bit cheaper cdp died and I need a new one. I want the one with the smoother presentation. Sounds like NAD from what people are saying.
I used a Rotel RC-1082/RB1092 combo (currently for sale) with Dynaudio 52SE and they mated very well. The Dyns are a 4 ohm load, too. I never thought the sound ws thin. My other system is a Rotel RC-1090/RB-1092 with B&W N804 and once again, a very good match. In fact, I prefered the Dyn bookshelf/sub combo.
I put a 3 month old Rotel RB1582 / RC1580 in the classifieds last night. Less than 50 hours on them and they are in absolutely perfect condition. They retail together for $2798. I wanted $2000 but if you're really interested I will consider dropping the price.