Passive Preamps

I'm curious about passive preamps. Has anyone tried a passive preamp in their system?
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I think the only thing Clio09 and I can agree on is that we disagree.As Tvad stated there are no right or wrongs here.
It doesn't matter what has been written or whom uses what.
What matters is what one hears and I find actives to be more to my liking.Much more.
And yes I have a tubed preamp which is warming,and shortly will be filling my room playing a LP from JJ Johnson and Stan Getz.Happy listening to ALL
It is good to note that passives come in different flavors. I am not a technical expert in this, but a transformer volume control - TVC - I understand will generally work better and in more instances then just a resistive attenuated volume control in both impedance matching and for a fuller sound.

As I've said, with my TVC I don't lack any dynamics -- everything is as 'colorful' as it was with the few active pre's I've had, with the added benefit of more transparency and air between sounds. Bass is low and tight, highs are extended and detailed. Soundstage is better defined.

Another option is an active/passive pre in the same unit. Wyred 4 Sound, Placette and others make such pieces.
I second Tholt on the Promitheus TVCs. One more point I would like to add is that in case of TVC the amp's input sensitivity is VERY important. With a TVC, the input sensitivity of a power amp better be below 1.5V. With this n mind, there is absolutely no loss of dynamics or body or weight. The positives aspects with the addition of a TVC in your system are something to be heard and seen rather than describe in a thread.
So, system matching is very important.
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