Tone controls? Sorry about the heresy.

I need tone controls! Too much of the music I listen to needs it. A lot of 70's, 80's, 90's, 00's rock. Some acoustic music. Who makes excellent preamps with tone controls OR what other box can I use that won't degrade the sound too much? Currently use a PS Audio 4.5, Adcom GFA-555II, JPW speakers.
Surely you must have heard of McIntosh, who has had tone controls on their preamps for years! Some have the basic bass and treble controls, others have the 5-band equalizer. Check them out.
the Quad 99 pre amp is in the same price range as the items you list. You could also pick up a Quad 909 power amp and have a matched set that would be a big step up from the Adcom...
McJntosh preamps w/ 5 band eq's are nice because each one is a dedicated amp.
Why not, if it pleases your ears. Equalizers, also yes. A unit that gets great reviews is the Technics 9010. The latter lets you adjust the band width in each of its five frequency bands, so it is fun to play with.
Also, some hi end software that does tone and equalization can be fun to try.