Best Tube Preamp with Phono under $2000 ?

What is the best tube pre-amp with a MM phono stage under $2000?

I have been looking at CJ ET-2 and McIntosh ; theyare both in the 4K-5K range.

What is the best "value-for-money" tube pre-amp in the 2K range that includes a decent phono stage?

Thanks in advance for your responses.
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First off,there is no, per se,"best" of anything.That is way to broad of a term to be useful.Whats "best" for me may not be "best" for you.There are however,plenty of good preamps in your price range.You have to make sure whatever you buy matches up with you present equipment.That being said,give the Rogue Metis an audition if possible.Don't let the $995.00 price fool you.This is a nice unit.If you want/need a remote,I think it bumps the price up another $100.00.
A used Audible Illusions 3A should be on your short list; not much more than that new.
I don't know if best or not, but I am very happy with the ARC sp-16 in my system. It is very good for sure.

The Juicy Music BLueberry Tvad mentioned is another I considered but I decided to go with the ARC in that my local dealer was able to demo and order for me new about a year ago when some of the last of these were being made new as I understand it.