Amp for Gallo Ref 3.1 and Modwright swl 9.0se?

Speakers: Anthony Gallo Reference 3.1
Preamp: Modwright swl 9.0se

Budget for amp: Under $1500

Source: CD & Ipod (DAC coming soon)

Music: jazz, 60's psychedelic, drone, metal, hip-hop, ambient and electronic played quiet and loud

I'm very curious about class D, but ultimately want the best pairing. I understand the gallo 3.1's need heavy current.

Anthony Gallo develops all of his speakers, specifically Ref 3.1 using Spectron Audio amplifiers. As far as I know they will present them at CES 2010 next January.

Its all for the good reason: heavenly combination.

Best of Luck
I run a Son of Ampzilla 2000 with my Modwright 9.0SE (Signature Truth). IMO, it's a superb amp. You might be able to find a used one for $1500, or so.

Of the three you've listed I'd probably lean toward the DNA, as I prefer the sonics of conventional amps. I'd highly recommend looking at the Modwright Signature Truth mods. They are a significant improvement over the base SE.
Since you listen to loud electronic and hip-hop music, I suggest that you stretch your budget to buy a good 200W per channel amp.
Dallo 3.1s demand lots of current to deliver deep, powerful bass.
I have had excellent results with Parasound. McIntosh and Gamut amps.
for what it's worth I runĀ  the same Modwright with a McCormack
DNA 1 and it is a fine match. As you may know,the McCormacks
can be upgraded by Steve McCormack .I've spoken with him,only
briefly,but he is quite helpful and friendly. A high current amp that doubles into 4 ohms.