HK 730 Twin

I have a Harman Kardon 730 twin integrated amp. I am using the amp section on this integrated for power only. My preamp is a tube unit. The sound is astonishingly good. Any problems with this setup I should be aware of? Any one else have such nice results with this type of setup?
The specs in the manual for my HK 430 state: 25 watts minimum, RMS per channel, both channels driven into 8 ohms from 20 Hz to 20K Hz, with less than 0.3% THD.

This is a more straightforward set of specs than many brands provided at that time. Note that rating covers both channels driven through the full frequency band and with minimal measured distortion. While I'm not one to accept specs as the total indicator of sonic pleasures, to me at least HK's suggest good engineering.
Pryso, I thought it was 22 because I remember thinking at the time that it was a weird number. My mistake. Thanks for the clarification.
I have a mint 930, and some really cool "tech bulletins" that accompanied it from 1973-74.

I only listen to it occasionally, but it's a keeper.
I remember Nelson Pass commenting on HK amplifiers. In fact, the Citation 12 was one of his first 'MOD' jobs. He spoke very highly of their design and sound. I have an audio buddy who uses a Citation 12, with the DQ 10's. Very nice system. His preamp is a Citation 1 tube unit. I wish I had that preamp, the sound is incredibly warm, smooth and sweet. Makes you want to pour a good Brady or Scotch and listen for hours. I wasn't aware of the Fulton connection, but that really does make sense. The amps surely do have a unique sonic signature that keeps you coming back for more.

Have you ever opened up a Citation 11 preamp or one of their amps? The Build quality is outstanding. At least on the order of McIntosh. I don't understand why HK and Citation don't get more 'respect' in the audio community. Their product are all very robust and have excellent sound.