Amplifier for Audio Physics Virgo II

Virgo II Owners, what amplifier would you recommend to drive the Virgo II? I recently bought a pair and my Pathos Classic One doesn't seems to have enough juice to open them up. I am hoping to spend less than 2K on the amp or intregrated amp in the used market.

Your recommendation is greatly appreciated. The music I like are voices, jazz, and blues.

Thanks for your help.
We used a variety of amps with ours. However, I was most pleased with the Pass X-150.5 and BAT VK-250 (????). Both amps worked well. However, most people likely will suggest a tubed amp. Not being a tube guy, I can't comment on that.
Interested that 70 wpc won't do it.I know one system in virtual forums where guy took his and had it and a second wired in mono for 170 wpc.Friend owns Cary Sli80 and loves it.You might not be able to swing it in triode but 80 wpc in tubes is close to double that in SS.Best value in Inergated if you want toi stay there but you'll have to sap tubes now and again.

The review I am waiting for is 6moons on the Wyred Int.Class D and incredible amounts of power for Dollar at $2K or $2500.Pass would be the one but will cost you.Other than that power and refinement (Pass will cost as well but is great) might be Parasound line as well but you need to spend and though it like Pass has the goods.I had Audio Physic for a bit and loved fact that they could be placed on long wall.Great dispersion and imaging.Cary.
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