Previous ref 3 owners, what's in your system now

Simply what replaced the audio research ref 3?

The Vandy 5A and all ARC combination has magic indeed. High definition tube amps mate very will with the glorious mid range of these speakers. I was very lucky to discover this in audio shows some years ago. As a result, I have not been on the equipment marry-go-round seeking the holy grail that so many in these forums report having to do.

Relaxing and listening...
Vandersteen 5a ( speaker )

About the only other thing I have found to float my boat besides Martin Logans.
Kclone. It is a high end speaker made by Vandersteen Audio.
Yeah, I knew that, but when the first post from No_Money appeared, it did not say Vandersteen, it just said 5a. How is one to know that out of all the multitude of audio and speaker manufactures out there they were talking about the Vandersteen?