EL34 SED, Black Sable or Genelex Gold Lion?

I am currently using the new production EL34 SED, bought from tubedepot.com, and are very pleased with the result in my Manley Snappers. However, I am curious and still searching after new constellations of tubes in my amps. It is part of the fun. And here is my question:

Have anyone compared the EL34 SED with the Black Sable edition of the same tube?

And, how is EL34 Black Sable compared to the Genalex Gold Lion KT77? (almost the same price)

Any experience with these tubes?
Thanks Thorman. Your descriptions is exactly what I am after. What about Genelex Gold Lion compared to SED, anyone?
Musicophile : Check with ( Search ) Jim McShane tubes ..Jim has a great reputation for his tube Knowledge and Selling and sells both tubes your are interested in... From what I can gather the Genelex G/Lion is a more Linear ( or more neutral ) tube than the Stock SED EL34 ...So its always kinda what " Tone " you are looking for..I have treid quite a few EL34 ( have not tried Genelex yet ) quads and always come back to SED.......Good Luck..Hope that helps..
Anyone compared the Golden Lion to the Siemens EL34? Is the Siemens more detailed? Tried to post this 2 times already but the system seems weird.
I know this is a post about specific brands but I do not want to start another thread so close in nature to this one, can anyone offer their experiences with the EH EL34's or TAD EL34's compared to these tubes. I am getting to roll some tubes in my Aesthetix IO power supply? The EH sound fine with the other tubes I have rolled in other components in my system.

Thank you.