A/B and D class Amps What's the Difference

Hi there
I'm having a tough time wrapping my head around the differences between A/B and D class amps. Is one better sonically? Cost seems to be the same. Is one better with some or all types of equipment?
I understand a A class amp. A/B vs D I seem to be lost.
Can someone help me
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Class A is in a bias mode of ALWAYS on...therefore, it is constantly at its MAX potential. The cleanest signal, the highest energy usage. The most heat generated. Class A/B fluctuates between Class A (at lower voltages) and switches into Class B at higher ones. Class B is consciderably more efficient. Class D, is a completely different topology altogether that is able to output many watts with little effort. Hardly any heat is generated, thus allowing for more compact endclosures. Of course...this explanation is extremely simplified...google and you WILL learn.
Class C is powered by the mind. They only have those systems in institutionalizations. Is that a word btw??