Integrated SS amps - Luxman vs. Simaudio Moon?

Instead of separates, I am considering a high quality integrated amp for my new system. The speakers I am considering (Verity Audio) are not hard to drive. The two brands at the top of my list are:

Simaudio Moon Evolution i-7 (or the new 700i) vs.

Luxman L-509u (or L-590Aii 30 wpc pure class A).

I have heard theses units in different systems at different dealers, and so not direct comparisons.

Any thoughts or suggestions?


I listen to cds - mostly classical solo piano (Beethoven sonatas, Bach etc), chamber music, and small ensemble jazz (Oscar Peterson, Thelonius Monk, Coltrane, Evans etc).

In researching locally available equipment, I realized that perhaps I was not finding the best options for me, and this is why I have been pondering the Verity Rienzi with Luxman 590Aii combo (sight unseen) vs. the 803d/Bryston option which I have been able to audition.

I have heard the Verity Audio Finn with a 20 wpc Luxman pure class A 550A integrated amp, and I liked what I heard. If I bought Verity Audio speakers, I would go up higher on the food chain to the Rienzi (or possibly even the Leonore). The Rienzi probably needs more than 20 wpc, so the 30 wpc 590Aii would be a better match.

Given my musical tastes, I have a feeling that I would prefer the Verity/Luxman combo. I can afford to buy new (which I much prefer to buying used), but I would have to buy the system sight unseen, and I am wondering if this is not too big a risk given the expense?


My library is 14 x 20 feet (not counting 2 bay windows), with the stereo in front of the bay window at the end of the long axis. Ceiling is 8 feet.


I have listened to a Luxman L509u. To me, it sounded better than the L590. The L509u with Luxman DU80 sounded very tube-like, with a deep soundstage. But it is a cool $20k. Thanks. -Renjy651
Mark...I have heard the Verity Rienzis, Leonores and Parsifal Ovations (all driven by tubed ARC source and amplification) and they are excellent speakers. I am a firm believer of building a system around a speaker. So I would recommend a quick visit to Verity in Montreal (or one of their dealers there) and take a listen. While as mentioned above you are not guaranteed the same sound you hear at a dealer's, at least you know that the speakers are capable of a sound you like and you can address any room/speaker interactions with room treatment if the speakers end up sounding differently in your listening space. So my suggestion is to audition the Verity's (hopefully with Luxman electronics) before buying something at that price point new and unseen. My sense is electronics you are less likely to take a hit on (especially if you buy a pristine used or demo unit with warranty coverage) and I would be more comfortable buying and reselling that stuff unseen. Just my 2 cents worth.