Has anyone compared Emotiva amps to high end amps?

I was using an Aragon 8008BB and 8008x3B for a 5.1 system. The speakers are 95dB efficient. On a lark I purchased an Emotiva XPA-5. The ridiculously low price and 30 day return period was just too tempting.

To say that I was surprised by the sound quality is an understatement. This amp handily outperformed my Aragons with both my HT speakers and a set of Gallo Reference 3.1 speakers.

I am thinking about replacing the Aragon 8008BB that I am using along with a Crown K-2 that I use for the second voice coil with the Gallos. I would either keep the crown and go with a pair of XPA-1 amps or use an XPA-2. The other option is an XPA-5 instead of using 2 amps.

Has anyone compared these amps with the more upscale amps such as Theta, Simaudio, Halcro, etc? I'm wondering if the Emotiva amps are already approaching the diminishing returns point or if the other amps are a quantum leap in sound quality?
I have not, but you have encountered the 'price' issue in audio. Namely, price more often then not, has little to do with the sound qualities of the product. You have broken into the 'value' club. Welcome.
I was very disappointed in the Emotiva UPA-2... while it provided great bass, it sounded dull and lifeless. Not very musical at all. Not sure if XPA's are the same case... but I would definitely not consider them high end. More like a good step up from HTIB receivers.
I am comparing an xpa-2 to a pair of Butler 2250's run mono . Can let you know soon
I have not heard the Emotiva,but the Aragon 8008BB is one of the finest amps I have heard/owned.Th 8008x3 is also a fine amp.Of course system matching and the amp/speaker interface can yield different results.