Has anyone compared Emotiva amps to high end amps?

I was using an Aragon 8008BB and 8008x3B for a 5.1 system. The speakers are 95dB efficient. On a lark I purchased an Emotiva XPA-5. The ridiculously low price and 30 day return period was just too tempting.

To say that I was surprised by the sound quality is an understatement. This amp handily outperformed my Aragons with both my HT speakers and a set of Gallo Reference 3.1 speakers.

I am thinking about replacing the Aragon 8008BB that I am using along with a Crown K-2 that I use for the second voice coil with the Gallos. I would either keep the crown and go with a pair of XPA-1 amps or use an XPA-2. The other option is an XPA-5 instead of using 2 amps.

Has anyone compared these amps with the more upscale amps such as Theta, Simaudio, Halcro, etc? I'm wondering if the Emotiva amps are already approaching the diminishing returns point or if the other amps are a quantum leap in sound quality?
Jejaudio - I found your comments to be very informative. I'm wondering if the Emotiva monoblocks wouldn't be a better way to go vs. two of the XPA-2s strapped. My listening room is on 13' x 21' so I'm thinking a single XPA-2 should suffice. Your modified Adcom 555 sounds really nice and I have to completely agree about the Belles 350A; I had one also and sold it.
With low impedance speakers I would go with the Mono-Blocs. In my system Two XPA-2 amps sounded better than one amp. But if one XPA-2 is doing the job, I would go that route. Remember this amp will seam like over kill to allot of the higher efficiency speaker out there. Your speaker of course will determine that. The Adcom 555-Mk11 is now my backup amp, just in-case I go to Mono-Blocs(XPA-1). But I am "happy and content" with my Classe' amp. I know that is a kiss of death statement around hear. I had a Belles 400-A amp before the 350-A REF. That was my first highend amp and it was great as well.
I own a XA-5 and compared it to a Krell FPB-660.
I was very surprised at how well it did. It is not, however a Krell FPB.
The main difference I heard, in my very short evaluation, was in the upper midrange up. Female vocals, for example were a bit more ’grainy’ and it was more difficult to distinguish individual voices when several female artists were singing in harmony. Strings such as violins were a fuzzier characteristic to them. It may be due to the mode of operation (a-b as opposed to a) or it may be due to higher odd harmonics distortion, I don’t really know. On the plus side, they sound WAY better than anything at anywhere near the price I’ve personally heard. They are articulate, dynamic, and just plain fun to listen to. Emotiva may be the best bargain I’ve ever experienced.
Give one a try. Unless a person is completely obsessed with perfection then it’s hard not to like.
If a person just wants to enjoy the music, have a great time, and not be anal about the smallest of details then by all means go for it.
Ive been listening to a emotiva xpa-5 for a little while now, and I am loving it. I still think my latest amp, the Bryston 9bsst, was better, but it wasnt far off.

If you dont have $3k to spend on a used 9bsst, pick up a used $450-$550 XPA-5 and dont even worry about it.

For my money with all the budget gear Ive been playing with lately, Id choose the XPA-5 amp ($550), Anthem avm30 ($800), Oppo BD 83 blu ray/cd ($425), Magnepan 1.6 ($900 fronts), MMG's ($400 rears), and a good svs sub and have a first class home theater for under $4100, and the 2 channel would rival much more expensive setups. Why spend $3k on Bryston amp like the 9bsst, unless the money simply doesnt matter? Iwill live with this Emotiva for along time!

Id rate the XPA-5 a 8.5 /10
For comparison, a 9bsst a 10, Ayre V-5xe a 9.7, Brtston 4bst a 8.5(not the sst), and a Onkyo NR-906 receiver a 7