Nuforce V3 mod

Has anyone heard the Nuforce V3 mod done on their Reference V2SE? Please compare. Thanks
We may be listening to the same thing -- shrill midrandge and attenuated high end. I am calling it terrible and you, expecting necessary burn in, are saying not bad out of the box. Thank you for the hope.

I should have also added micro details are abound. Compared to the other upgrades that i added to my Ref 9s v3 does take more time for breakin. Hang in there and enjoy the ride. Mike
Hi all,

Break-in is a real issue with the V3. Please read my review on 6moons. My rollercoaster ride mirrors what many are also experiencing. For me 'out of the box' was quite good although not that much better than the V2. Then it all turned to mush and pretty much as described above by 'Stltrains'. After about 150 hours it's all become rather extraordinary.