amp suggestions for Aerial 7b

just starting the process of upgrading from my krell s-300i integrated to separate amp. listen to rock 20%, alt-rock 40%, jazz 20% and classical 20%. need something with plenty of power as these 7b's aren't the easiest speakers to drive. 7b's are rated at 6ohms but i've been told the behave more like a 4ohm speaker. thinking *minimum* 250 watts into 8ohms with double down capability to really make the Aerials sing. i do tend to listen to music on the loud side of things. also....something that can drive almost any speaker in case i upgrade the 7b's next year(like i plan to).

will be using the amp exclusively with my ps audio perfect wave transport and perfect wave dac. gonna try the PWD as my pre-amp for now. will consider adding a pre-amp later if i don't like the pwd as a pre. will be buying used and budget for the amp is roughly 4-5k max. (prefer single box but will consider mono blocks also). i'd be more then happy to spend less though.

have focused on room acoustics for the last 2 months and think i have a good foundation now. acoustic panels, corner bass traps, carpet and heavy drapes really seemed to help with the forwardness my current system use to have. room is 15x23.

want something as neutral as possible with good detail. not looking for "warmth" but don't want harshness either. smooth highs and tight slamming bass are a must and again...detail.

so far the list is short. Pass X250.5, older Levinson 335 or 336 and maybe a Mcintosh of some type...402 maybe??. comments on these 3 amps with the 7b's are welcome as are any other suggestions. since i'm buying used, i won't be able to do any in home demo's. will have to make a decision based on in store listening.

thank you


Good suggestions here. I currently have several pairs of Aerials including the 7Bs. I've tried a lot of amps on them. Some made 10% of the CDs sound phenomenal while raking the others over the coals while others made 90% of them sound average but not bad. I've settled on two amps that I think do a great job but they do sound different. First I have an McIntosh MC-402 - smooth, emminently listenable, nice overall sound. Secondly I have a Bel Canto S-500 on my 7Bs in my bedroom system. Sounds very good. The bass is good, detail good, not grating.

Two very different amps that both sound good with Aerials. I'm thinking about picking up a pair of 500Ms as there was a price drop recently. I may move my S500 to a third system with a pair of Aerial 6s. I've A-B'ed the 6s and 7s on the Bel Canto and the 7s do have more bass and my wife let me leave the 7s in the bedroom so who am I to argue. :)

If I were still looking for amps (I seem to be off the proverbial merry-go-round for now) I'd try a McCormack or a Plinius. Also had an Electrocompaniet that sounded very good on the 7s. One thing I love about the Bel Canto - you can leave it on and it's not using any power to speak of... something like 17 watts on idle.

If I were you, I try the Bel Canto before trying something super heavy (lbs) like the Pass or the McIntosh. BTW, I tried the Pass 250 on the 7s and although a very competent amp and maybe the best customer service around, it just wasn't quite what I was looking for. The heat the thing throws off is incredible. My wife said "there's something wrong with your new amp, the whole room is heating up." It was true and is normal operation for the Pass. The McIntosh heats up only a minimal amount. The McIntosh may not have the dynamics and bass you desire. I think the Pass sounds similar to the Mc but maybe a little more detailed.

Let us know what you go with.
I can't say enough good things about the Bel Canto 500 series. . . They are marvellous amps. BTW, recently Bel Canto has changed the nomenclature for its 500 series devices without changing internals. The Stereo is now called Ref 500S, and the monoblock version is Ref 500M. G.
I have the 9s and love them. Classe sounds great w/Aerial. While many do, I don't really like Mc amps with the Aerials, ok, but inferior to other options in their price range. I heard the Bel Cantos others have mentioned (w/Joseph Audio speakers) and they are great; if I was not a tube geek, I would strongly consider those.

BTW, despite their reputation, I have never found Aerial's hard to drive. While I am running a big SS amp now (Classe CAM-350), I powered them with a 150w integrated (Classe CAP-150) for about a year and it had more than enough power. Just this past weekend, I auditioned a 40w triode amp (Dehavilland 50a) and it sounded great, really great. Granted, that particular amp is designed to power hard to drive loads, but still-just 40watts. Amazing sound w/the Aerials, even had pretty deep and tight bass; probably not your cup of tea, however, as it does clip at really high volumes (higher than I play music).
thanks for all the suggestions guys. wanted to stay away from tubes and class d this time around. tubes because of heat, dogs, cat and some cigars. class d because i can't get past the mental hurdle =).down the road i might change my mind. class a or ab is really what i'm looking for

had a chance to listen to a couple amps on the short list(for the most part...kinda). in store demoed a mac 402 and levinson 436. they had an older pass x250 but the rep said the newer x250.5 is so much better that i shouldn't even bother. still wanted to listen to the x250.5 but it would have involved a very long drive. no chance at demoing a Plinius.

mac 402 and ml 436 both sounded great. incredible amps....the best this greenhorn has ever listened to. however, the ml436 gave me an instant ear to ear grin. we all obviously have preferences as what our music should sound like. the ml 436 hit my target's bullseye. it sounded fantastic imho.
Cool, have fun with the new amp. You are putting together a pretty great system. Aerial deosn't get as much love on the Gon as I think their sound merits. Really great do-it-all speakers imho.