Harbeth 7es3 with Simaudio i-1

Has anyone paired the Harbeth 7es3 with the Simaudio i-1 integrated? Was it a good match? I know the Harbeths are usually paired with other English gear with much success such as LFD, Naim, Rega, Exposure etc.
Any feed back would be appreciated.
I've heard harbeths with alot of different components and have found them to be one of the least picky speakers as far sounding good with different gear. of course (i would think) the better the gear you use the better they will sound.
I had a Simaudio i5.3 paired up with a pair of Harbeth SHL5s. I eventually sold the Sim and ended up with an Exposure 2010S integrated. I find it a better combination. I found the Sim a bit bright sounding for my tastes