Primaluna and Rogue

Hey all, I've done a lot of reading on the Rogue Audio and Primaluna gear. I Like what I've read, and I actually heard the m150's a while back and came away impressed. I have not personally listened to any Primaluna gear.

Do any of you have thoughts either way? I'm looking at Prologue 6 & 7, vs. Rouges m120 and M150. A lot will have to do with what becomes available on Audiogon, but I am prepared to purchase Prologue 6 new if necessary. Thanks
Tpreaves is correct - these are two very different sounding products. The Rogue amps are the more modern type of tube amp design, much higher powered, much brighter, more solid-state-like sound. The PrimaLuna amps have a much smoother, warmer, more life-like sound, and they throw a bigger soundstage and image better. They are also better built, in many people's opinion. Art Dudley just reviewed the Dialogue monoblocks in the latest Stereophile, FYI. I went with the Dialogue 2 integrated myself. By the way, if you do the Prologue 7 as opposed to the 6, you will have much more flexibility for tube-rolling. I really like the Adaptive Auto-Bias feature of the PrimaLuna amps, as well. I have been very satisfied with my choice.
Lears,there is nothing,in my opinion, bright or solid state sounding about the Rogue equipment.I own a Rogue TempestII Magnum integrated and it is a wonderful organic,if you will,sounding amp.I have had the pleasure of hearing several Rogue prouducts and and none,to my ears, sounded as you have described them.Of course,you are entitled to your opinion,everyone hears things differently.Hawk,you tried them for yourself and liked what you heard.Nuff said!!!
I bought the Rogue M-150 about 5 years ago and have not looked back. They may not be overly tubey in the midrange but they are anything but bright sounding and i have Martin Logan Summit speakers which are very transparent to the source and require a lot of current. I chose the M-150 over M-120 for several reasons less heat equals longer tube life, can switch from ultralinear to triode via an external switch, more power and can bias output tubes individually via an bulilt in meter. I prefer the KT-88 tubes but throw in the 6550's occasionally for a change of pace. I am pretty sure you can also use EL-34 which suppposedly create a tubery sound but I have not tried them.I have never heard the Primaluna gear. Another bonus Rogue is made here in the good old USA.
I am extremely happy with my Rogue Audio Cronus.
Mark and Nick @ Rogue are a pleasure to deal with.
Great product, great service and advice from the boys who designed and built the amp, and a wonderful sound of music as the amp drives my speakers. Life is good !!
If you don't think they sound bright, fine! I meant in comparison to the PrimaLuna's, and actually in comparison to all other tube amps I have heard. I have heard them over the exact same set of speakers, wire, etc. as the PrimaLuna's, and everyone present agreed that the Rogue's had a much brighter, harder sound. I am not saying this was a bad sound at all, by the way, just different, and not what I personally cared for. The PrimaLuna's certainly sound more life-like and throw a much bigger soundstage, IMO, if that is important to you, and I have never heard of anyone having a problem with them, whereas I know a few people who have had problems with their Rogue amps. Just sharing my own experiences, YMMV.