Buy the equipment with the best sound to your ears. It should never matter if equipment was made in China, in the US, or if it was made by dancing dwarfs. Those companies try to sell you something and a company that doesn't advertise doesn't automatically make better products. All companies worldwide want to make a profit, and some will go to greater length to achieve a profit and some will be happy accept less of a profit.
But in the end it doesn't matter, we all get the product we deserve. It may no be what we want.
Sorry for my rant, but I grow tired of comparing products not on their merits but one who, where, etc build them. If we keep doing that we will all drown in our own shit faster then you can say "made in the USA".
But in the end it doesn't matter, we all get the product we deserve. It may no be what we want.
Sorry for my rant, but I grow tired of comparing products not on their merits but one who, where, etc build them. If we keep doing that we will all drown in our own shit faster then you can say "made in the USA".