Primaluna and Rogue

Hey all, I've done a lot of reading on the Rogue Audio and Primaluna gear. I Like what I've read, and I actually heard the m150's a while back and came away impressed. I have not personally listened to any Primaluna gear.

Do any of you have thoughts either way? I'm looking at Prologue 6 & 7, vs. Rouges m120 and M150. A lot will have to do with what becomes available on Audiogon, but I am prepared to purchase Prologue 6 new if necessary. Thanks
But how do you determine build quality? The place/country of production says nothing. Great and crappy products may even come from the same factory. So unless you open the gear and you are an expert on the field it is hard to say how well something is made.
I have Japanese, German, US and Dutch brands in my system, but I have no idea where those parts have been made, nor do I care.
Getting back to the original post...I think that you should heed the above advise and actually listen to each , on your speakers .

For my take - I think that Rogue and Primaluna are different sounding pieces . One is not 'better' than the other , just different .

You might be better served by describing what type of sound that you are looking to approximate ? Or ask other owners of your speakers what amps that they like and why .

Good luck .
Thanks for your responses. While I'm not ignoring the issues brought up about where products are being built, my bigger concern is great sound and quality build, and that's the end of my thoughts on that topic.

Back to the original topic. Saki, the problem is I'm not necessarily looking for a particular sound. The reason for this is quite simple, the sound of the music I listen to varies greatly. For example, while listening to Fusion, the sound has to have impact; attack and immediacy with timing and pace, and full and impactful, but accurate bass. On the other hand, I like my vocals and highs to have a lot of air, sweetness and expression. I like to feel the soul and emotion of a singer through their voice. I want to be able to feel that. Bottom line, my gear has to be able to portray what's on the recording. I understand this is very difficult to acheive as various gear is voiced quite differently to achieve a particular sound. But that's why I got the Nolas, I like their airy presentation.

I just need a pre/power combo that will give me the slam I need when its called for, as well as the delicacy that I need when a recording calls for it.

Is this too much to ask? Maybe, but isn't this hobby about trying to attain that sound YOU seek? That's the fun part, I believe.

May I ask why you want a pre/power combi. Is there a reason that integrated amps are out of the question. Also do you really want tubes? Can the amps also be a combo say tube pre ss power.
The my last remark, what is you budget?

A few weeks ago me and a friend compared some amps. Integrated "budget" amps. A prima luna proglogue 2, Sugden A21a and a LUA 4040C. For me it was
1 Sugden
2 Prima Luna


I think with a nice class A amp you can get the musicality that some people miss with SS amps and the power/reliabilty of SS amps. My friend didn't agree and bougth the Prima Luna. To me the Prima Luna's bass was less tight but it is a musical amp.

I hope you can make any sence of my post.
Ok , if you do not have a particular type of sound in mind then you should address what amps work well with your speakers . In this instance , some will be better than others .

What amp does the manufacturer use to design their speakers ? And again , what do other owners of your speaker have success with ?

I would also recommend that you start with an integrated amp . They are cheaper and easier to move in and out .

I seem to remember one review for the Viper II , the manufacturer stating that he liked the ASL Hurricane . I am not sure how reliable they are but it could be a starting place . Or if you like the Rogue then try their integrated .

Start some place and then make moves from there . Just watch out for that merry-go-round ride !

Good luck .