which preamp to buy???

I am in the market to upgrade my current preamp ( Parasound P/HP 850), there are a few options here in my price range $500-600. My system consists of B&W 704's. Aragon 2004,Musical Fidelity V-Dac, Emotiva ERC-1 cd player. Cables are AQ King Cobra ic,Canare digital, and Paul Speltz's anti-cables (ic & speaker).
My room is large and on the bright side, lots of wood and windows, so I am looking for smoother highs and a better soundstage. I do not plan on needing a phono stage anytime soon.
Some of the pre's under consideration are the : Audio Research LS3B, PS Audio trio 2, Rotel 1090, Parasound Halo p3 and the Aragon 24k.
Any suggestions?
I used a 24k with outboard power supply with the 2004 amp and Apogee Centaur Minor speakers with very good results. I also used the PV5 as a pre amp in the same system. I actually preferred the sound of the PV5, but both pre amps were very good. As for positive reviews, I recall a few out there. If you are interested in the 24k, you can probably get one pretty cheap. If you dont like it, Im sure you can get what you paid for it since most of the depreciation has already occurred.
Conrad Johnson PV10 is your best bet. Add RCA 12au7 NOS tubes and you will be in audio heaven.
I would go with a BK Pro 10 MC. minimalist and I know where you can pick one up for $250
Thanks to all...I actually got a good deal on an Audio Research LS3b; and so far am very pleased with it.
Unfortunately, about a week or so after putting it in my system, my Aragon 2004 lost the right channel. A friend has it now for possible repair...if parts are available I'll have to see if it's worth repairing, or look into buying something else. Any ideas? There is a B&K ex442 avilable to me...